Hijri calendar for month Shawwāl of year 1447

The Hijri calendar for the month Shawwāl of the year 1447 displays the Hijri calendar with its corresponding Gregorian calendar for all days and months of the Hijri year.

Today Hijri Date
24 Shaʿbān 1446
Today is
Today Gregorian Date
23 February 2025
All days of the month Shawwāl 1447 its equivalent in Gregorian
1-10-1447 Friday 20 March 2026
2-10-1447 Saturday 21 March 2026
3-10-1447 Sunday 22 March 2026
4-10-1447 Monday 23 March 2026
5-10-1447 Tuesday 24 March 2026
6-10-1447 Wednesday 25 March 2026
7-10-1447 Thursday 26 March 2026
8-10-1447 Friday 27 March 2026
9-10-1447 Saturday 28 March 2026
10-10-1447 Sunday 29 March 2026
11-10-1447 Monday 30 March 2026
12-10-1447 Tuesday 31 March 2026
13-10-1447 Wednesday 1 April 2026
14-10-1447 Thursday 2 April 2026
15-10-1447 Friday 3 April 2026
16-10-1447 Saturday 4 April 2026
17-10-1447 Sunday 5 April 2026
18-10-1447 Monday 6 April 2026
19-10-1447 Tuesday 7 April 2026
20-10-1447 Wednesday 8 April 2026
21-10-1447 Thursday 9 April 2026
22-10-1447 Friday 10 April 2026
23-10-1447 Saturday 11 April 2026
24-10-1447 Sunday 12 April 2026
25-10-1447 Monday 13 April 2026
26-10-1447 Tuesday 14 April 2026
27-10-1447 Wednesday 15 April 2026
28-10-1447 Thursday 16 April 2026
29-10-1447 Friday 17 April 2026
  • Shawwāl is the No. 10 month of the Hijri calendar
  • The month of Shawwāl begins on Friday 20 March 2026 and it ends on Friday 17 April 2026
  • Days of Shawwāl are 29 days

The reason for naming the Hijri calendar

This name was given to the Hijri calendar in reference to the migration of the Messenger of God – Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace – from Mecca to Medina, and the year in which he migrated was adopted as the first year of migration. It is a lunar calendar that relies on the sighting of the moon to determine the beginnings and ends of all months, and the name of the Arab calendar or the Islamic calendar is also given to this calendar.

Number of days in the Hijri calendar

The number of days in the Hijri lunar calendar is 255 days, which is the time it takes for the moon to complete a full cycle, and these days are distributed over 12 months, but the number of days is not necessarily the same every year, which means that the number of days in a month may increase or decrease by one day between one year and another because the number of days in the month is 29 days or 30 days according to the result of the crescent sighting.