Hijri Gregorian Date Converter

You can convert the date from Hijri to Gregorian and from Gregorian to Hijri by entering the date with the day, month and year.

Hijri Date
Gregorian date
Hijri Date
Today Hijri Date Numeric
Today is
Gregorian date
Today Gregorian Date Numeric

Convert Date from Hijri to Gregorian

The process of converting a date from the lunar Hijri calendar to the solar Gregorian calendar requires many mathematical operations due to the difference between the two calendars. You can rely on the date conversion tool provided by the Hijri calendar website to find out the corresponding Gregorian or Hijri calendar. You can use the equation (Hijri year x 0.97) + 622 to find out the corresponding Gregorian year.

Convert Date from Gregorian to Hijri

Using the equation (Gregorian year – 622) / 0.97, you can find out the Gregorian year that corresponds to the current Hijri year, but finding out the exact date by day, month and year requires the use of some specialized tools. These tools are provided by the Hijri calendar website, which converts between the Hijri and Gregorian calendars with great ease.

The difference between the Gregorian and Hijri calendars

Every year, the Gregorian calendar is approximately 10 days ahead of the Hijri calendar, except for the leap year, in which the difference between the two calendars increases to 11 days, because the year includes 265 days in the Gregorian calendar, and becomes 266 days in the leap year, while the Hijri calendar; one year in it includes 255 days.