Age Calculator

Calculate your age in the Hijri or Gregorian calendars using the online age calculator, by entering your date of birth in the Hijri or Gregorian calendar and using the age conversion service from the Hijri to the Gregorian calendar or vice versa.

Hijri Date
Gregorian date
Your age in Gregorian
Your date of birth in Gregorian
Your date of birth in Gregorian Numeric
Your birthday is
Your date of birth in Hijri
Your date of birth in Hijri Numeric
Until your birthday
You are born into a season
Your horoscope is

Age Calculator

The Hijri calendar website provides an age calculator tool so that a person can know his age or the age of his friends and family members easily without the need to perform any manual calculations. Rather, it is limited to entering the date of birth by day, month and year for the tool to automatically calculate and then display the age in many different formats.

Age Calculation by Hijri

Some people are interested in calculating their ages according to the Hijri lunar calendar. For this purpose, the day of birth should be known according to the same calendar and then the Hijri date should be known on the current day. The age calculation tool can be relied upon to add the age by Gregorian or Hijri and then view the current age by month, day and year in addition to knowing the time remaining until the completion of the next year of age.

Age Calculation by Gregorian

Age is calculated according to the Gregorian calendar with great ease, after knowing the day of birth and then checking today’s date. Some people face difficulty in determining the exact age by month and day. For this purpose, age calculation tools are used that require entering the day of birth by day, month and year and then displaying the age by day, month and years as well.

Converting age between the Gregorian and Hijri calendars

It is very difficult to convert age between the Gregorian and Hijri calendars due to the difference in the number of days in addition to the difference in the number of days in one month from one year to another in the Hijri calendar. Therefore, the age calculator can be used to enter the individual’s age in the Hijri or Gregorian calendar and then view the age in both calendars together.